Be Welcome to a ocean of bloody tears

There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt off in your philosophy.

Shakespeare, William
_The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Quem sou eu

Minha foto
O tempo muda o tempo todo...

quarta-feira, setembro 02, 2009

Novos ares, novos olhares, mesmas histórias antigas...

Varias vezes falei que não daria para manter posts tematicos, mas como sempre estarei falando de novo de meus sentimentos...
Estudar nos faz esquecer deles um pouco ainda mais quando equações e variaveis e constantes fazem o universo parecer pequeno.

Hoje encontrei-me com aquela que prometi a mim mesmo esquecer, logo apos na aula começei a escrever algo. Breve estarei postando aqui, daqui a pouco.
Mas pude notar algo com isso, Sou pessimo para comprir promessas que faço a mim mesmo.

Por enquanto fica a letra que marca esse novo re-começo de uma serie passada.

Hammerfall - Never, ever

Sitting in my room, staring at the wall, I can't believe it's happening
Once so wonderful, now, life's a twisted kind of reality, a fantasy
Don't know where to begin

Saw your love for me vanish in a single moment of stupidity Nightmare this may be, but it is not a dream, ooh
I want to scream; a broken heart still bleeds

Never ever talk, never ever smile
Knowing that my life won't be the same Never ever touch, never ever feel
I will never hear you call my name…again

In my dreams I see, see you come to me; a memory of times of old
Waking up, I realize Hell's as cool as ice and the touch of sin did get me in
Nothing burns like the cold
Never ever talk, never ever smile
Knowing that my life won't be the same Never ever touch, never ever feel
I will never hear you call my name
As we sin, so do we suffer
I've fallen from grace, want to turn back time and make it undone

Never ever talk, never ever smile
Knowing that my life won't be the same Never ever touch, never ever feel
I will never hear you call my name Never ever talk, never ever smile
All I see: a future full of fear Never ever touch, never ever feel
I can never whisper in your ear…I'm sorry

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